Dispensary team
Our friendly practice dispensary team is led by Mel Brennan, dispensary manager. Mel has a team of seven dispensing colleagues who between them provide an invaluable and efficient service.
Mel Brennan
Dispensary Manager
Megan Gardiner, Senior Dispenser
Leanda Keegan, Senior Dispenser
Suzanne Middleton
Michelle Cooper
Leigh-Anne Garner
Deanna Burwood
Mandy Brown
Community and attached staff
The practice is the base for many of the community care professionals. Louise Pilch is the clinical lead with a regular team of community nurse, one of whom calls in every day and takes messages regularly.
- The Wherry team of midwives hold a Tuesday clinic. Team leader for the midwives is Sue Frost.
- Karen Mc Kean is our community occupational therapist and Trish Parker, community physiotherapist.
- Michael Faithorn is our Integrated Therapy Partnership (ITP) holding sessions at the Practice and appointments can be arranged via by self or GP referral.
Loddon and surrounding area health visiting service
Health Visiting Team
- Jane Cornthwaite, team leader to health visitors and school nurses
- Mary Pucknell, health visitor
- Louise Opperam, health visitor
The health visitors can be contacted on 0300 300 0123 Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm and Saturdays 9am to 1pm.
Please feel free to contact the practice if you have concerns about your child.
Health Visiting Contacts
Baby clinic
This is held on the fourth Thursday of each month at Loddon Library, between 10am and 11am. There will be a health visitor and/or nursery nurse available for weighing and advice. Please come along at any time (no appointment necessary).
Breast feeding support group
Held on the first Thursday of each month at Loddon Infant School, in the annexe to the rear of the school, between 11am to 12pm.
Postnatal group
You will be invited to attend six sessions to discuss relevant topics of interest and meet other new mums. The health visitor and/or nursery nurse are present and weighing is available.
Hearing test
This appointment is offered when your baby is approximately eight months old. The health visitor no longer undertakes hearing tests at the age of 3.5 years.
Development checks
These take place at around twelve months of age with a further development check at 2.5 years of age. An invitation is sent along with a questionnaire on both occasions, offering a face to face appointment.